In prestashop, you can have products with combinations, in this case, the product quantity will get the combinations quantities sum. This is a function that uses the prestashop webservice to update the product/combination quantity, the difference here between product and combination, with product quantity, you have the product_attribute_id equal to 0 and for combination it's the id_product_attribute (the combination id)
function set_product_quantity($ProductId, $StokId, $AttributeId,$quantity){ global $webService; $xml = $webService -> get(array('url' => PS_SHOP_PATH . '/api/stock_availables?schema=blank')); $resources = $xml -> children() -> children(); $resources->id = $StokId; $resources->id_product = $ProductId; $resources->quantity = $quantity; $resources->id_shop = 1; $resources->out_of_stock=1; $resources->depends_on_stock = 0; $resources->id_product_attribute=$AttributeId; try { $opt = array('resource' => 'stock_availables'); $opt['putXml'] = $xml->asXML(); $opt['id'] = $StokId ; $xml = $webService->edit($opt); $monfichier = fopen('log_stock.txt', 'a'); fputs($monfichier, 'Date: '.date('d m y: hh:mm').PHP_EOL); fputs($monfichier, 'Exécution du script de mise à jour de stock'.PHP_EOL); fputs($monfichier, 'Quantity updated for product '.$ProductId.' product_attribute_id '. $AttributeId.PHP_EOL); fclose($monfichier); echo 'Quantity updated for product '.$ProductId.' product_attribute_id '. $AttributeId.' id shop: '.$resources->id_shop.' '; }catch (PrestaShopWebserviceException $ex) { echo "Error con la cantidad ->Error : ".$ex->getMessage().' '; } }You should declare this includes,
require_once('./PSWebServiceLibrary.php'); require('../config/');You can find the file PSWebServiceLibrary.php in github And defines this constants
define('DEBUG', true); define('PS_SHOP_PATH', 'yourShopPath'); define('PS_WS_AUTH_KEY', 'Your_Auth_Key');You should generate your key in prestashop webservice back office tab To call this function
$webService = new PrestaShopWebservice(PS_SHOP_PATH, PS_WS_AUTH_KEY, DEBUG); set_product_quantity($ProductId, $StokId, $AttributeId,$quantity);
$AttributeId should be 0 to change product quantity (parent) and combination id to change combination quantity
Finally this is a function to get combination by product id and ean
function getIdProductAttribute($id_product, $ean){ $sql = 'SELECT `id_product_attribute` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_attribute` pa WHERE ean13 like \''.$ean.'\' '; $id_product_attribute = Db::getInstance()->getValue($sql); $sql_stock = 'SELECT `id_stock_available` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'stock_available` WHERE `id_product`='.$id_product.' and `id_product_attribute`='.$id_product_attribute; $id_stock = Db::getInstance()->getValue($sql_stock); return array('id_product_attribute'=>$id_product_attribute,'id_stock'=>$id_stock); }Hope this helps! Any suggestions or questions are welcome :)
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